How To Moisturise You Hair During The Cold Season ❤❤

Hello My Naturalist ❤ It is that time of the when the weather is dry , dusty and harsh . to be honest my hair has gone through a whole lot,and i feel so sorry and sometimes it makes me sad.😢 But as i type this for you my lovelies i am soo happy because i used a method that is known to every naturalist but just few use it,works wonders if you are consistent with it, have used this method for 4 days and the change is awesome. Soooo i though to my self, why not share it with my beautiful naturalist. ooh the good part of this. yeah ? made a video showing how to, all you have to do is click the link Watch Me Please! . and you will enjoy it. Products Used Water in a spray bottle Aunty Jackie soft all over oil Aunty Jackie cocoa creme using the LOC Method L-liquid O-oil C-creme Application Process section my hair into two parts spritz water into each section,until almost damp Apply the Aunty Jackie soft all over oil (massage gen...